

2024-03-27 10:55    来源:中国新闻网

  近日,由巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学和圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学两校领导及巴西各界人士组成的教育访华团应邀到访北京。期间,巴西“千年中国艺术”策展人蕾娜塔·苏内加(Reneta Alves Sunega)在接受中国新闻网采访时称,“千年中国艺术”展览为巴西儿童提供了一个接触中国艺术的机会。举办中国文化展览,有助于巴西儿童了解中国和学习中国文化。

  此外,巴西中国电影节执行导演辛西娅·阿拉里奥(Cynthia Alario Rodrigues dos Santos)表示,举办电影节,是为了向巴西人展示中国的电影文化,因为电影节可以为巴中两国人文交流创造机会,是一扇能让人了解中华文化的大门。(薛凌桥)

  Recently, an education group led by school leaders from the University of Campinas and Federal University of Santa Catarina as well as Brazilian representatives from other walks of life have been invited to visit Beijing. During an interview, Reneta Alves Sunega, curator of the exhibition "A Thousand Years of Chinese Art", told China News Network that the exhibition is an opportunity for the Brazilian children to see the Chinese art and helps them to study about China and its culture.

  Additionally, Cynthia Alario Rodrigues dos Santos, Executive Director of the Chinese Film Festival in Brazil said that the festival can show the Brazilians the Chinese culture. She also noted the festival is like a door for Brazilians to know the Chinese culture.

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